But here is the craziest thing: The other day, I saw a car parked right in the middle of two parking spots. The car was centered directly over the dividing line! And, okay, I do have a miniscule degree of sympathy for people who own really expensive cars. It would cost a lot to get those dings fixed, so I understand why they want to be careful. But this car that was parked in such an egregious manner was a Ford. To be more specific, it was a Ford Focus. And not even a brand-new one, either. It had definitely seen better days. I think it had been in a serious accident already. Honestly, people. If you drive a crappy car, you have no right to try to "protect" it by taking up more than one space. That's just sad.
While we're on the subject, here's another thing I hate: those BMW 318 TIs. They're just so silly! It's like, "Hey, look at me! I wish I could afford a real BMW, but I can't. This is the best I can do, but I'm so obsessed with labels and status that I hope you'll think I'm moneyed and sophisticated anyway. Please, please, please pay attention to me!" Why bother? If you really, really want to drive a BMW, why don't you just save up for a more impressive version. Those things look like toy cars, and not in a cool way like the Mini, either.
Okay, that's my rant for the day. (So never know what might set me off this evening!)
At 9:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Astera,
As a good friend of yours who pays attention to cars, I feel I have to take exception to your comment about the BMW 318Ti. First of all, were you aware that this model isn't even marketed in the US? It is a BMW International model, and as just about the only compact car they offer it fills a necessary place in the European market. Furthermore, I agree with you about the hideous selfishness of monstrous, gas-guzzling vehicles. It seems unfair, then, to give someone a hard time for purchasing a compact car that completely out-performs (and is probably more fun to drive than) a Ford Focus. I would guess that purchasers of the 318Ti choose the BMW for reasons other than brand status. And I bet there are very few of those taking up 2 parking spaces. ;)
p.s. Sorry my only post so far has been a rant. I love your blog. Keep it up, you blogging goddess.
At 6:31 PM,
Kelly Love said…
If I had a nickel for every time I had to climb into my car through the passenger side so I can drive home...
I have a "small SUV" - a Honda CRV. Tasteful, understated. I also pay for daily parking (actually, the magazine I work for pays, but still...). No less than three days a week, I have to play parking roulette because the freaking Tahoe in space #3 is over MY line in space 4. Even better, it's next to a funeral home so sometimes it's the hearse on the other side. I stand in the parking lot, trying to figure out if I can get in through my sunroof, crying out to the parking gods to strike the assclown with the Tahoe dead.
And I hate, hate, hate the Hummer. I met a guy with one a few weeks ago and, when he told me what he drove, I asked him if his impotency problem was physical or mental. Hello, giant penis replacement!
At 7:46 PM,
Kelly Love said…
p.s. and thanks for the link! You're on mine as well, superstar.
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