A Response
An anonymous poster asked me if I thought my ex-colleagues still read my blog. I can't imagine why they would. Well, that's not entirely true. I can imagine a few reasons why they would.
- They get some sort of masochistic thrill out of seeing themselves skewered in print in a not-particularly-widely-read blog.
- They hope that I will be contrite about my firing. Well, I am sorry for hurting people's feelings. I was a bit hyperbolic and mean. I'm also sorry for Design Guy, because I have a feeling that he has had to shoulder the brunt of my work due to my abrupt departure. But I'm not sorry to be gone, although I could have used the money I would have earned over the next few weeks.
- They hope to read about some horrible downfall of mine so that they can experience the sweet joy of Schadenfreude.
- They are secretly desperately unhappy at work and identified with some of what I wrote about.
But I am moving on now. I just got my last paycheck, so that phase of my life is over. Although, if any of my ex-colleagues are reading this, would you mind sending me my copy of Eats, Shoots and Leaves? I think I left it on my desk when I fled the building. That'd be great. Thanks.
At 4:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Haha...I think that out of the four reasons that you listed on why your ex-colleagues might still be reading your blog, the answer would be #4! They are secretly unhappy at work and did identify with some of what you wrote. :) Plus your blog makes for an interesting read during the day.
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