How Hot Is It?
I'm getting a little off-track. Perhaps the heat has made me delirious. Or perhaps it's the fact that it's not just broiling outside. I'm broiling on the inside, too. I have a summer cold, complete with hacking cough, aches and pains, fever, and sore throat. My throat is so sore that I had a milkshake for dinner tonight. And I'm really loving the chills that come along with the fever. One minute I'm sweating, the next I'm chilled to the bone. I also feel a little woozy, and I'm not even taking the Valium anymore. I spent a weekend away from the computer, and my muscles seem to have loosened up on their own. So that's good, but now I've got this cold virus infecting my brain. And does anyone have any sympathy for me? Oh, no! Mr. Pink just says, "Stay away! I don't want to get what you have!" (But to be fair, he is the one who went out and fetched me my milkshake dinner. Also, I make the world's worst sick person, mainly because of my tendency to overdramatize every little sniffle. So it's good that Mr. Pink can be tolerant of my illness-induced insanity.)
I need a cure. I don't want to be sick for my birthday, which is rapidly approaching. Send help. Send ice cream!
At 9:47 AM,
Bruingirl said…
You're telling me! It's been 85+ degrees in MB lately and we are usually at 68 degrees ALL YEAR round!!!! Anything above 75 degrees is just far too hot to do anything!!!!! I'M MELTING!!!!
Hope you feel better!!!!
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