----------------------------------------------- */ ----------------------------------------------- */ ----------------------------------------------- */ ----------------------------------------------- */ ----------------------------------------------- */ ----------------------------------------------- */ The Fabulous Adventures of Astera: Writer/Actress for Hire: Not So "Good"

The Fabulous Adventures of Astera: Writer/Actress for Hire

Meet Astera (aka: me), a star in her own mind. Our plucky little heroine has embarked on not one but two difficult, low-paying career paths: writing and acting. Witness the menial jobs! The unreasonable demands! The quirky friends and family! And the glimmer of success just ahead! Through it all, Astera maintains her core beliefs: 1) She is destined to be fabulous 2) Everything is more fun with a cocktail.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Not So "Good"

This evening, I saw a television commercial that exhorted the benefits of Proposition 1D, which is a California proposition that will reduce class sizes, increase the number of science labs, and provide vocational training. That sounds good. I am certainly pro-education. But this ad left me wishing its creators would go back to school. The narrative said, "The race for good-paying jobs is getting tougher..." Then it went into the spiel about all the good things that would happen if Prop 1D were to pass. It ended by saying that Prop 1D should pass, "so that our children, whether they're headed to college or not, learn the skills for today's good-paying jobs."

It's well, people. Well-paying jobs. Jobs that pay well. Not jobs that pay good. Well. It's just like, if someone asks, "Hey, how are you?", you respond, "I am well," not, "I'm good." Well, at least you should respond with "well." Just like in the paragraph above, I wouldn't write, "That sounds well." The two words are not interchangeable!

Is this a difference too subtle for most to grasp? Am I the only one who is driven crazy by the unintended irony of bad grammar in a commercial seeking to increase educational funding? Was it supposed to be, I don't know, folksy or something? Was it supposed to underscore just how badly we need more educational funding? Seriously, people. Seriously.


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