On The Upswing
On Monday, I started a new job as a copywriter for a small marketing company. So far, I really like it. I work with intelligent people, and we have interesting clients. I even have an office with a door! In addition, I completed a small freelance assignment for a local publication, and I have a couple of new tutoring clients. And, my novel is still in play. (Well, at least I haven't received a rejection letter yet!) I've gone from being discouraged to being encouraged, just in time for the holidays. And I am so grateful to have gainful employment, especially since unemployment is so widespread.
Mr. Pink and I will be headed up to the wine country for Christmas, where I hope that we'll encounter merriment and good cheer, although family drama is sure to rear its head. All in all, though, it looks like the new year will be bringing us many blessings. And who knows? We might even have a very special addition in 2009...stay tuned.
At 12:44 PM,
Unknown said…
WHAT?!?! Do you have news to share?
At 1:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Come on...you can't leave us hanging like that???
At 10:25 PM,
Astera said…
A clarification...I am NOT pregnant. But maybe I will become pregnant at some point in 2009. Keep reading...
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