I Spoke Too Soon...
I was very depressed about that rejection, and it was only compounded on Saturday, when yet another white envelope was waiting for me. I was actually grateful that there's no mail on Sunday...at least it spaces out the rejection a little. I was beginning to feel like a failure, I told my husband. He basically told me to buck up, that this wasn't some great disaster, that I couldn't expect everyone to want me, that several agencies still have my materials and may still be considering me. That's true, of course. But I am beginning to fear that no agency will want me, and then where will I be? It's hard to find auditions in this area...Backstage West lists mostly L.A. jobs, Craigslist is full of porn ads, and other online information is hopelessly out of date. I feel like my dream may be dying on the vine, if that's not too overdramatic an image. But if this is truly what I want, I must persevere through adversity! Ad astra per aspera! Onward...upward! Exclamation points make me feel a little better!
In other news, I have a third job interview at the same company tomorrow. Let's hope something good comes of it...
At 1:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sempre Avanti!
At 7:14 AM,
Bruingirl said…
Rejection letters...remember senior year in high school? After applying to all those colleges and waiting for their responses starting in March? Will it be a big envelope or a little one? Oh, wait...you never got rejected from any colleges...that was me...
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