Are you the most beautiful woman in town? IF SO, we have the best job in the world for you. NOT SHOW BIZ. The best job would never be dancing, stripping, acting or modelling it IS MARRIAGE. TO a billionaire and those arefound in NYC / LONDON HOUSTON, PARIS. WHY a billionaire. SO YOU CAN DO IMPORT/EXPORT as philanthropy with places which now starve. THAT is an interesting life. NOT modelling. SHOW BIZ eats gals up. Strips them of pride, youth, self image! Why get OLD and end up in a trailer park with a lot of hot 8x10's? Hedge your bets - Date billionaires! A beauty can penetrate HIGH SOCIETY, become a philanthropist of her hubby's millions, in fact she's the only ONE who can do it. YOU Can do what KARL MARX, LENIN AND MOTHER TERESA FAILED TO DO. Do what the PEACE CORPS FAILED to do. WHAT EVITA tried to do....and almost did. YOUR LOOKS put you in the HIGHEST SOCIETY OF ALL! KNOW THAT FACT! DO NOT WASTE TIME thrashing around in the SHOW BIZ low rent zone. OUR WEBSITE has a free seminar for beauties, HOW TO MARRY WELL. IT'll help you if you want to marry an average guy but it'll LAUNCH you if you want to be a planetary philanthropist, do IMPORT/EXPORT with the starving third world villages on hubby's lunch money. You can Design artisanry that THIRD WORLD villages can do, chic designs but with their media....and make it in rural places where there is now only starvation. Do TORY BURCH type clothing, (google up fotos of her line) got a real third world feel to it..... import the art/ artisanry duds whatever, to USA? CANADA/ Europe, wholesale it to boutiques in major cities... A CINCH while you're young. Your hubby would be so proud. DO you understand that if you learn etiquette, dress like a society girl, YOU CAN MARRY A BILLIONAIRE OF ANY SIZE if you are truly beautiful. BEAUTY IS THE RAREST PEARL! A guy with a 100 Billion? 200 BILLION? EASY.UPGRADE YOUR FEELINGS ABOUT YOURSELF. Beauty is genuinely rare. And coming with niceness? CHarisma? A girl with no vanity? YOU ARE THE PEARL OF GREATEST PRICE! APPRECIATE what you are and turn away from shoddy show biz. LEARN the ruthless rules of LOVE before you begin. Cuz THERE ARE TRAPS! The main thing that keeps gals in the NO POWER ZONE with the men they love is that they are Loveaholics and these gals are driven by SUCH BAD TASTE (for disco hotties) combined with INTENSE NEED & passion and HURRY that they basically make BAAAAD love choices. The children born of such unions end up paying as dearly as the parents. If we read up on the subject of COURTSHIP, DATING, we learn that TESTING a guy, watching for signs of dysfunction, we cut a few bucks of value out of the herd. Leave the rest for the petfood manufacturers. You will get better at seeing, testing, better at dating, marrying BY READING OUR WEBSITE "HOW TO MARRY A BILLIONAIRE" which is LUCK IN LOVE DOT COM (can't give an URL on this page!)Read for hours, no fees, it's all given by a woman (ANITA SANDS) who researched everything about MEN's THINKING about women, who has counseled thousands of Hollywood women over the last 35 yrs. She's 12$ a half hr by fone or online, but the WEBSITE seminar is a public service, i.e. FREE. YOU CAN read all 65 lessons right now, online. Feel free to surf there. The LUCK IN LOVE web site and especially send girls who are starting to be dating/ marriage age. Those are the ones we can save. Anita has 4 kids and writes for young people. You can run a SUCCESS IN LOVE SEMINAR in your town, franchise is free. Charge 5$ a head for the 2 hr weekly class. Use a local psychologist to answer questions from a group, so there's no preparation work for her. She does it to pick up clients. The GROUP does women students a favor -- reminds them that PICKING A MAN is as HIGH TECH as LEARNING TO USE a PC! Anita LEARNED THE MATERIAL, not from books, but in the trenches! She has been an astrologer in HOllywood for the last 35 years, read for movie stars, rockers, writers, producers also for strippers and models and starlet wannabes all of whom taught her what was really going on. Then, she studied with all the great gurus of CALIFORNIA, Yoga, healthfoods, etc. She read for Carlos Castaneda. She put the NEWAGE stuff together with the LOVE COACHING. Then, rock stars and actresses taught ANITA all their methods for NAILING A MAN in a very competitive world, which HOLLYWOOD IS! BUT Perhaps more importantly, she learned the errors that ordinary beautiful women make which gets them dated and dumped! (COURTNEY LOVE sings Anita's praises inside ALBUM JACKET from AMERICA's SWEETHEART, last FEB.) YOGI BHAJAN calls ANITA the 'best psychic ever' at his website, in a speech given 3.3.89, transcribed there, "BE HAPPY." You will read "THE RUTHLESS RULES OF ROMANCE RULEBOOK, a discipline based on MARRYING WELL, not get dated and DUMPED!) and segues to "IF YOU ARE STUNNING, HOW TO MARRY A BILLIONAIRE." These 65 chapters are free, ONLINE right this second at LUCK IN LOVE dot com..... a life changing, destiny transforming SEMINAR you can take right now. SEND as files to galpals. GO TO LUCK IN LOVE DOT COM and read for a while! SEND URL or article to any chum of dating age! IF any of your gal pals use the info and marry well, they'll take you to FIJI or BALI annually for life! We currently have 300 gal-students in every city of the world, useful for rooms anywhere if you travel. astrology at earthlink net is ANITA SANDS's personal email if questions. LUCK IN LOVE DOT COM. LIFE CHANGING!!!!!!!!A SAFE SPACE for a kind, beautiful girl who needs some minimal guidance in the REALITY dept to get to the TOP! THAT TOP is not found in show business! Only nuts try to scale that mountain. It is a ME ME mountain. We are talking about a SERVE THE PLANET mountain. That's why you were given that beauty.
At 1:31 AM,
Unknown said…
lovely astera, you're sweet enuf and appreciative enuf of the labors of WRITING THE LUCK IN LOVE SEMINARS for ten years, and posting them and advertising them at craigs list to POST ONE OF MY ARTICLES, why not post ten thousand of 'em. Go to and grab em, save em to cache, post them, even make them avail able as seminars for young gals, but keep the price low or free. ANITA SAND HERNANDEZ WAS here and wants MIRROR SITES! Other gals giving not only my little bit but WRITING THEIR OWN BIT UP so the kids don't make romantic, marital mistakes.
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