----------------------------------------------- */ ----------------------------------------------- */ ----------------------------------------------- */ ----------------------------------------------- */ ----------------------------------------------- */ ----------------------------------------------- */ The Fabulous Adventures of Astera: Writer/Actress for Hire: More Audition News

The Fabulous Adventures of Astera: Writer/Actress for Hire

Meet Astera (aka: me), a star in her own mind. Our plucky little heroine has embarked on not one but two difficult, low-paying career paths: writing and acting. Witness the menial jobs! The unreasonable demands! The quirky friends and family! And the glimmer of success just ahead! Through it all, Astera maintains her core beliefs: 1) She is destined to be fabulous 2) Everything is more fun with a cocktail.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

More Audition News

So, I guess I did not get the part in the Bryman College commercial, even though the producers seemed to really like me. Maybe the client was not as impressed. Who knows? The important thing is that I felt good about it. Also, that audition may have gotten the ball rolling for the new year. Today, I had an audition for a San Francisco Giants commercial. I didn't have to read any copy. Instead, all I had to do was tell a story. A story about anything I wanted. I decided to tell the story about how my husband and I met, and I said, "This is a story about serendipity." (I have a feeling that most readers of this blog already know the story, so I am not going to post it here, unless there is a huge public outcry of demand.)

Anyway, it's a good story, and I've told it a bunch of times, so I felt comfortable. I felt like I was talking really fast, and I stumbled over some words in some parts, but I thought maybe that could just be taken as a sign of great enthusiasm. Anyway, at the end, they all said, "That was a good story." But you know how people are...they'll say anything just to get you out of the room! Witness how, at my last audition, the guy told me I was "wonderful," and yet I did not book the job.

Well, this time it's a little different. My agent called, and I just got my very first "check avail"! That may not seem like much, but what it means is that the producers are very interested, so they are checking my availability for the shoot date! Basically, since there are no callbacks, it means I made the first cut. It's definitely a step in the right direction. Hmmm...maybe that box of See's candy I sent to the casting director's office for Christmas did the trick. (She sent me a very nice, personal thank-you note, so if nothing else, maybe she remembers me now.)

The commercial shoots on Friday, so I should have a final answer tomorrow. Wish me luck!


  • At 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good luck and break a leg. Or is that out as a saying? By the way how do you spell "serendipty"? I always thought there was an "i" between the "p" and the "t". But what does an ignrnt immgrnt like me know?

    O Kanenas

  • At 10:13 PM, Blogger Astera said…

    Ha, ha, ha, smart guy!

  • At 8:22 AM, Blogger Katie said…

    lady - if you sent me See's candy, I'd def. remember you. Nicely done!


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