Apropos? No.
First up, I drove by a nondescript sports bar the other day. The only thing I really noticed about it was its name: "Interlude." Maybe it's just me, but Interlude does not make me think of sports. Interlude Sports Bar and Grill...mmm, it just doesn't work for me. Interlude makes me think of romance and soft lighting, not sweaty men battling for a ball. Interlude would be a nice name for a day spa, maybe, but not a sports bar. Why not Halftime, or Time Out, or Penalty Box? Perhaps those are a bit cliched, but at least they have something to do with sports.
The other weird name that caught my eye belongs to a small Mexican restaurant off I-80 on the way up to Truckee. It's called "Jimboy's Tacos." Well, call me prejudiced, but I wouldn't think a guy named Jimboy would know too much about tacos. Chicken-fried steak or roadkill stew, sure, but not Mexican cuisine. I bet Jimboy could rustle up some real good Cajun spiced possum, but I don't trust him with frijoles or flan. Also, the giant billboard for Jimboy's proclaims them to be "Best 2003!" Best what? Best bizarre name for a taco shop? Best honky pretending to be authentic?
Now I am going to be on the lookout for more strangely-named businesses. Have you seen any? Let me know!
P.S.--And what's with town slogans these days? I mean, "Fountain Valley: A Nice Place to Live"? Is that the best they could come up with? Nice is boring, people! Although, reflecting back on my visits to Fountain Valley, perhaps the slogan is apt, after all. My favorite, though, is Loomis: "A Small Town is Like a Big Family." Yep, it shore 'nuff is. Probably because the town's so small, most of you are related!
At 10:53 AM,
Bruingirl said…
Pancho's in Manhattan Beach is a Mexican restaurant, but it used to be a CHINESE restaurant!!! Would YOU go to a Chinese restaurant called Pancho's???
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