The Good Audition
It all started last week, when I saw casting announcement on Craigslist. So many of those are for amateur porn or nude modeling, but this one seemed to be legit. It was for a special based on real events that would run on the History Channel, and they were looking for a woman with a petite build who had dark hair in a pixie cut. Well, the posting had been up since Monday, and I didn’t submit my headshot until late Thursday night, so I figured I wouldn’t hear back for awhile because they were probably already inundated with submissions. But the next morning, I got a call saying they’d love to have me come in to audition. (Yes, I got this audition without the help of my agent.)
The great thing about this audition was that it was local and I was able to schedule it during my lunch break, so I didn’t arouse suspicion at work. On my way there, the guy who scheduled me called to make sure that I had the right directions and that I wasn’t lost. Based on what he said, it seems that the production company had had several people flake out. But not me! I was there on time.
It was a very low-key, mellow experience. I was greeted by the receptionist/camera operator and filled out some paperwork while I waited for the director. I only had to wait a few minutes, though—every other audition I’ve been on required a much longer wait. Right away, the director told me that I was “very physically right” for the part. Then I had to do some very cold reading (as in, he handed me the script and called “action”), but I didn’t mind because sometimes having the script in advance causes me to psych myself out. The director spent a long time with me and asked me to do things a couple of different ways. At one point, after asking me to take another approach, he said, “Oh, good. You can take direction. You’d be surprised at how many actors, when you ask them to do something differently, just turn around and do it exactly the same way.”
At the end of the reading, the director told me he was very interested in me for the role, and it is one of the lead roles. He won’t be making a final decision until next week, but he did go ahead and check my availability. He also told me again that I had the right look and even pulled out a color photo of the woman I’d be playing and said, “See? She even has your blue eyes.”
The part doesn’t pay much, unfortunately, which is probably why agents aren’t getting involved—their 10 percent would be mere tens of dollars. But for me, it would be great experience, and I’d get some good exposure from being on the History Channel. Still, I don’t want to get my hopes up too much, because I’m sure I’m not the only actress they say who had the right physical characteristics. And of course, I don’t have too much experience and maybe my audition won’t come across as well once they look at the tape. But I really, really hope I get the part. Maybe I’ll be posting some very good news next week!
At 8:40 PM,
Katie said…
Hey, THC supposedly has a very affluent, hard-to-reach audience. You never know where it might go.
Good luck, Astera!
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