Running and Running

To alleviate this issue, I've been hitting the gym. One night, I decided to run a mile. Well, I decided to see if I could run a mile. Because, you see, since I hate running, I never do it. I mean, why should I do something that I hate when it is completely avoidable? It's not like I'm starring in Alias or 24, where bad guys are constantly chasing me down dark alleys. Hence, no need to run.
In the interest of whipping myself into shape, though, I forsook the elliptical trainer and the recumbent bike, and I forced myself to get on the treadmill.

I started slowly--a few minutes of walking. Then I worked my way up to a trot. And then I started running. (Well, jogging is probably more accurate--according to the treadmill display, I was going at 5.5 mph.) The important thing, though, is that I maintained that pace. I wanted to quit about halfway through, but I kept at it, and I completed my mile in 10 minutes and 54 seconds. Is that totally pathetic, or is that an okay start for a novice runner?
I think I will try to run at least once a week, interspersed with my other cardio activities. All the runners I know talk about this "runner's high" that they get. Maybe I will grow to love running. But somehow I doubt it.